4.0 What’s new ?

Changes:  Fixed shortcodes  Fixed loading the map only once for a single page  Fixed assign to new pins/shapes  Changed shortcodes to  Fixed html editor for advanced infobox (not loading for some websites)  Fixed bing map not loading completely Shortcodes 4.0 has some...

Changes in 3.1.2 – Bing Map Pro

Few fixes added in 3.1.2 version which include. Full screen – the map will be expanded on the entire screen using built in functionality from bing map. Also added ‘Close Full screen’ icon Woocommerce checkout autosuggest address fixed. The...

New Changes in 3.1.0

Only major changes covered in this article Added tooltip for icons Added Assign to map for shapes and pins Added no of active pins/shapes for map table Style buttons Added modal when new pin is created Added ‘Save and New’ option for new pins Drag and drop pin to new...