Raffle Play Woo Premium – Version 6.2.3

New Release – 2024-July-19

Free Updates, and Support from 6 months to 1 year


Upcoming Updates

Dokan (Multivendor) Compatible

New raffle plugin will be made compatible with Dokan Multivendor

Pages that will be integrated will be

  • General Settings
  • View Tickets
  • Raffles
  • Winners
  • Reports

Do you want to be notified when the new plugin will be compatible with Dokan Multivendor?

Enter your email address below.

Latest Update 

Version 6.2.3

(improvements on 6.2.2)

Released on 2024-July-19

  •  Fixed query to show sold raffle tickets in table product tab when HPOS is activated
  •  Added table data to show tickets with functionality of sorting by column, search, and pagination DataTable
  • Added -1 for limit to display all tickets for that raffle
  • Updated shortcode to use data table and the unlimited rows.
  • Added support / suggestions link in the admin raffle pages
  • Updated translations
  • Tested with WordPress version 6.6

Previous Updates

Version 6.2.2

Released on 2024-July-17

  • Added Raffle tab in the product page to display the last sold raffle tickets
  • Added shortcode to display the raffle products tab
  • Fixed raffle tickets generated at checkout when the cart is updated using ajax.
  • Added Search by Phone number – when customers search for raffle tickets.

View More Here


Version 6.2.1

Released on 2024-June-21

  • Fixed lucky number drawn too early when lower purchased limit used
  • Fixed undefined variable
  • Added image for product card countdown, and progressbar card (admin)

Version 6.2.0

Released on 2024-May-25

  • Added – Lucky Numbers (Instant Wins) – View video on the right on how to setup
  • Added – Custom shortcode for progress bar
  • Fixed – Changing customer in the order, will update the raffle tickets in My Account page
  • Fixed – Removed expired reserved tickets after time expired
  • Fixed – Removed raffle tickets limit for variation tickets
raffle ticket lucky numbers display on page
lucky numbers raffle thank you page

Version 6.1

Released on 2024-Apr-24

  • Optimized raffle tickets DB queries
  • Added shortcode to allow customers to search for raffle tickets based on Order Id, Email, First Name, Last Name.
  • Updated translations 

Version 6.0.2

Released on 2024-Apr-17

  • Fixed issue generating tickets for manually created orders.
  • Added option to select on what status order the tickets will be created.

Version 6.0.1

Released on 2024-Apr-01

  • Fixed issue generating tickets at checkout;
  • Fixed issue countdown showing wrong time at checkout;
  • Fixed issue removing reserved tickets lost at checkout;

5.9.1 – Compatible with Woocommerce Cart Block 

With 5.9.1 the raffle plugin is now compatible with Woocommerce Cart Block and Checkout using REST v1.

More Info on Release Page





5.9.0 – Promotional Raffle 

Finally, the most waited Promotion Raffle  is released. (Date: 18-Feb-2024)

What is promotional raffle?

A: You can now giveaway free raffles based on customer’s value at checkout. You can set to give away raffle tickets based on cart value or the value spent from a category.

Watch the video for better understanding.

New Release Page


5.8.4 – Give Custom User Access to Plugin Pages

Now, you can delegate other users on your website by giving them access to specific pages with limited  or full actions.

Watch the video for better understanding.

View list of capabilities here.

Latest How To

How To – Add Question and Answer in the product page with validation of the answer.

Requested by a few customers. A custom question needs to be answered in the product page in order for the product to be added to the cart.

It’s a simple validation to check if the customer has the knowledge of playing the raffle.

Follow the video on how to customize the question, add answers and validate the answer.

View the code at:


Setup Video

Custom Template Setup Thank you Page / Email 

Version 5.8 – Countdown

Finally, the premium version is out and it comes with the following features:

  • Custom Raffle Name
  • Live / Test tickets
  • Unlimited Number of tickets per raffle
  • Unlimited raffles
  • Multiple raffle running at the same time
  • Unlimited number or raffle tickets per product
  • Multiple products per raffle
  • Terminate raffle immediately / by date
  • Limited number of tickets per raffle (can be set )
  • Custom ticket start number
  • Custom ticket prefix
  • Cstom Raffle Start Date / Time
  • Custom Raffle End Date / Time
  • Custom Email Header
  • Include Raffle name in Email
  • Custom Email Body (tickets extra info)
  • Email extra line info (eg: Draw takes place on … )
  • Export View Tickets table to CSV, TXT, XLS
  • Woocommerce Account – Raffle Tab
  • Control when the raffle tickets are generated (Processing, Completed Status) 
    • Custom Message if raffle hasn’t started (based on start date)
    • Custom Message if raffle has ended ( based on end date )
    • Custom Message when raffle will end ( if end date is set )
    • Custom Message – Add to Cart check (if no tickets left)
    • Custom Message – Add to Cart check (if tickets in cart exceed stock)
    • Shortcode for message per raffle
    • Restrict multiple raffle tickets at checkout (enable/disable)
    • Test Info system with custom number tickets
    • View info tickets, customers, orders
    • View tickets sold based on dates
    • View tickets based on order status
    • Record winners based on the raffle tickets (due to transparency, no random winner generator provided)
    • Custom Message if raffle is terminated
    • Random Ticket Generator for Limited length raffles
    • Ticket Leading Zeros
    • Custom shortcode with filter to get Raffle information
      • Reports Per Raffle (all are .csv format)
      • Daily Sale Report
      • Weekly Sale Report (Monday to Sunday)
      • Monthly Sale Report
      • Report by Region/County
      • Report by Country/County (option to include the rest of the countries)
      • Sales by Product
      • Export Custom Colums per order (including custom fields created at checkout)
      • Custom Currency Symbol per report total sale column
      • Filter report by order status
      • Filter report by Date range
      • Filter report by raffle
      • Calculate reports sale based on order sale or product price
      • Email PDF Attachment
      • Custom Hook Email Pdf Attachment
      • 2 PDF Template Attachments
      • Custom html/css PDF Attachment
      • Terminate Raffle with Buyout Product
      • Background Ticket Image for Ticket Number  for Thank you Page / Email
      • Variation Product Raffle (new in Version 5.8)
      • Show Countdown in Raffle Product (new in Version 5.8)
      The license has no expiration date. One license per website. Support and updates for 365 days.
      License, and download link is provided upon the payment. If you have any queries email me at developer@tuskcode.com

      WP Bing Map Pro (Free Version)

      Polylines, Circles, and Polygons

      (Starting from version 3.0 upwards – free version)


      Polylines are a great way to display routes, linked objectives, and combined with pins are a great way to show linked information along a route. Also can mimic a polygon shape without having an enclosed body.


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