Only major changes covered in this article

  1. Added tooltip for icons
  2. Added Assign to map for shapes and pins
  3. Added no of active pins/shapes for map table
  4. Style buttons
  5. Added modal when new pin is created
  6. Added ‘Save and New’ option for new pins
  7. Drag and drop pin to new location functionality
  8. Mark pin input fields to required
  9. Added number of maps for shapes and pins in the table grid
  10. Add action icon ‘Assign to map’ for pins and shapes
  11. Drag and drop functionality for ‘Assign to Map’
  12. Added advanced map option into a modal

Some of the changes have been requested by wordpress users, and a few by myself. These changes are affecting the admin area of the plugin, making it more user friendly and easier to understand (hopefully).

The main change that reflects on this version 3.1.0 is the ‘Assign to Map’ found in the Shapes/Pins pages as an action modal.

The purpose of this action is to assign either icon/shape to a map, without going to the map’s page, edit map, Pin to map. The functionality of adding a pin/shape to map was existent in the plugin, but not in the Shapes/Pins pages.

Assign to Map modal works by drag/drop the maps from ‘Available’ to ‘Used on Maps’, and vice versa. The whole purpose is to add/remove a pin/shape from a map after the pin/shape is created on the same page.

On the left image, the pin is now assigned to map “map two”

The number of maps a pin is assigned to will be recorded on the table grid.


Tooltips have been added to most of the icons to help describe the purpose of the icon.

Another change is in the ‘Edit Map’ section where any unsaved change on the map, will trigger a confirm modal.



New pin modal added instead of the drop down panel.

Also now the pin can be dragged and dropped to different locations on the map, by activating the feature on the top of the map.

Required input fields have been marked with a * symbol at the start.

‘Save & New’ button added for avoiding unnecessary Save and open modal.

The modal for new pin is now consistent with shape modals, and is intended to simplify the pin’s page view.