Version 5.6.5 

I recommend upgrading to this new version, as it has a few fixes and improvements.

  • Checking Duplicates now moved from “General Settings” to “View Raffle”, duplicate checking is done based on raffle selected
  • Fixed showing duplicated tickets in “View Raffle” table view
  • Fixed commented out code in Reports Page
  • Fixed reports to show duplicated tickets
  • Show duplicated tickets and orders linked

Why there are duplicated tickets on orders?

I get this question from people using the plugin. There are a few reasons why duplicates get created.

  1. Slow website, loaded with lots of scripts.
  2. Limited server resources. 
  3. Very high traffic on orders
  4. High number of raffle tickets per product.

Here’s a few answers I can give you related to duplicated tickets. 

When running raffle that have a specific starting time, upon starting the numbers of orders will overwhelm your server and orders will overlap creating ticket duplicates

What is the rate of duplicates for a fast server?

For 10 000 tickets sold, you should get less than 10 raffle tickets duplicated. 

What is the rate of duplicates for a slow server?

For 10 000 tickets sold, you should get less than 30 raffle tickets duplicated. 

The number of duplicates will increase when you have limited resources on your server, and my raffle tickets per product.