PDF Email attachment – Setup GUI

  1. Enable / Disable – Attach or not pdf to emails
  2. Pdf Filename  – First option is the GUID filename format (Recommended, security purposes). Second Option of filename is made out of order id and customer info (Not Recommended) but can be used
  3. Pdf Template – One / Two . With the help of hooks implemented on both templates, each template can be setup differently. The idea is to switch between templates whenever wanted. Initially they are both setup the same.
  4. Include Product Name & Quantity – Yes/No – Display products purchased/payment/total etc
  5. Include Billing Info  – Yes/No – Display customer info
  6. Page Orientation – Portrait (Default) / Landscape
  7. Header Logo Image (only .jpeg, .jpg) – Logo Image located on top-left of the section  (restricted only to .jpeg, .jpg)
  8. Business Info Header (html) – Custom html for business info, located top-right section (poorly formated html will break the pdf)
  9. Extra Info Footer (html) – Custom html for footer section (poorly formated html will break the pdf)
  10. Footer Height (px) – Default 50px. Footer is set with fixed position
  11. Extra Style (Css) – Custom css style of the template (poor css style format can break the pdf)

Business Info Header (html) – default

<h3> Great Company </h3>
<p>44, Midlands Street </p>
<p>County Neverland </p>
<p>Company Number: 2332425 </p>
<p>Vat Number: A3453345 </p>
<p>Email: shoe@shine.com </p>

Extra Info Footer (html) – default

<div class=”footer-text”>
  <p> Copyright @%year% Company Name. All Rights Reserved </p>

Extra Style (Css) – default

.main h3{
    font-size: 15px; /* comment: header info */
.main p, .billing-info-data{ /* comment: table data */
    font-size: 13px;
table th, .raffle-info-header{ /* comment: table header */
    font-size: 15px !important;
table td{ /*comment: table data */
    font-size: 13px !important;
.header-business-info p{ /* comment: business info paragraphs */
    font-size: 12px;
.footer-text p{
    font-size: 11px !important;