API Bing Map 2018 is proving that Bing Maps are reliable maps nowadays with plenty of options in the bag.
This plugin comes with multiple pin location, width, height, map zoom, custom pin url, HTML Class attribute, map type, etc.
In order to use this plugin you need to register to bing website to get and API Key.
It can be added on the sidebars or footer with the widget option, or directly to a page body using the shortcode [[tuskcode-bing-map]]
Frequently asked question:
How to add custom coordinates?
In order to have custom coordinates go to https://www.gps-coordinates.net/ and find the latitude, and longitude of desired address. Then ‘Add New Pin’ in the plugin and paste your coordinates into the respective fields.
What does “Center Map” button do?
It will center the map to your custom location. Just drag the map to a certain location, and click ‘Center Map’, and the map it will capture the latitude and longitude of the center. It will use it to display it in the page. It is useful when you have multiple pins and you want to capture all the pins.
The default center, it will compute all the pins lat/long and find the median location. It works fine with pins that are located close to each other.
Can I have multiple custom maps in my website?
The answer is NO. This plugin was designed for a single map per website. I am in the process of developing a new plugin that will have that feature, and many more.
Version 1.xx
- Multiple Pins
- Custom width and height
- Custom Pin image
- HTML Class
- Map Zoom
- Map Type selection
- Widget
- Disable/Enable Scroll on map
- Short Code [[tuskcode-bing-map]]
- Added 600+ custom icon
Version 2.xx
- Latitude and Longitude fields for new pins
- Center map on desired location
- Address Suggestion